Si segnala un recente volume dedicato al BRICS, dal titolo “The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to BRICS. Texts and materials” ad opera di Rostam J. Neuwirth e Alexandr Svetlicinii.

"In the arena of global law and policymaking, the emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have created a dialogue and cooperation platform that is known as “BRICS”. Initially conceived to drive global change through economic growth, the global financial crisis and an occasional reversal of fortunes of the BRICS countries domestically have raised questions about their ability to have an impact on the governance of global affairs. Following ten successful BRICS Summits in the years from 2009 until 2018, it is now time to examine the legal foundations for their future cooperation in greater detail. Over the last decade, BRICS have produced a considerable amount of official texts and materials that – for the purpose of their future analysis and application – requires more systematic organisation. 

THE BRICS-LAWYERS GUIDE TO BRICS. TEXTS AND MATERIALS presents a first systematic compendium of the most important texts and materials of BRICS cooperation in order to make them accessible for the comfortable use by government officials, practising lawyers and arbitrators, scholars and students of international relations, business, economics and law. The texts and materials include treaties, Summit Declarations by Heads of State, Ministerial Declarations, Declarations adopted by the BRICS Legal Forum and other official documents. The book also includes a chronological presentation of the first decade of the BRICS cooperation followed by a discussion on the subject of sources of (international) law so as to facilitate attempts to classify the various BROCS documents in terms of “sources of BRICS law”.