La pagina “Letteratura” contiene un elenco di contributi e volumi relativi alla cooperazione tra Paesi BRICS, ripartito per tipologia di contributi e macro aree tematiche.
- S. Mancuso, M. Bussani (eds.), The Principles of BRICS Contract Law. A Comparative Study of General Principles Governing International Commercial Contracts in the BRICS Countries, Springer, 2022.
- J. Srinivas, Future of the BRICS and the Role of Russia and China, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
- L. Belli (ed.), CyberBRICS. Cybesecurity Regulations in the BRICS Countries, Springer, 2021.
- O. Stuenkel, The BRICS and the future of global order, Lexington Books, 2020.
- E. Feron, J. Kakonen, G. Rached (eds), Revisiting regionalism and the contemporary world order: perspectives from the BRICS and beyond, Columbia University Press, 2019.
- R.J. Neuwirth, A. Svetlicinii, The BRICS-Lawyers' guide to BRICS texts and materials, The BRICS Lawyers, 2019.
- M. Larionova, J. J. Kirton (eds), BRICS and Global Governance, Routledge, 2018.
- A. Svetlicinii, D. De Castro Halis, The BRICS-lawyers’ guide to global cooperation, Cambridge University Press, 2017.
- M. Rewizorski (ed), The European Union and the BRICS. Complex relations in the era of Global Governance, Springer, 2015.
- Y. Brauner, P. Pistone, BRICS and the emergence of international tax coordination, IBFD, 2015.
- L. Scaffardi (ed), The BRICS group in the spotlight: an interdisciplinary approach, ESI, 2015.
- C. De Coning, T. Mandrup, L. Odgaard (eds), The BRICS and coexistence. An alternative vision of world order, Routledge, 2014.
- U. Becker (ed), The BRICS and emerging economies in comparative perspective: political economy, liberalisation and institutional chance, Routledge, 2014.
- L. Scaffardi (ed), BRICS: Paesi emergenti nel prisma del diritto comparato, Giappichelli, 2012.
- N. Duggan, J. C. Ladines Azalia, M. Rewizorski, The Structural Power of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in Multilateral Development Finance: A Case Study of the New Development Bank, in International Political Science Review, 2021.
- B. Hooijmaaijers, The internal and external institutionalization of the BRICS countries: The case of the New Development Bank, in International Political Science Review, 2021.
- M. Larionova, A. Shelepov, BRICS, G20 and global economic governance reform, in International Political Science Review, 2021.
- F. Petrone, BRICS and Global Governance: Will the Grouping be able to Reform the United Nations Security Council?, in International Studies, 13 luglio 2021.
- B. Hooijmaaijers, China, the BRICS, and the limitations of reshaping global economic governance, in The Pacific Review, Vol. 34, 1, 2021.
- K. Shoaib, BRICS Opportunities and Challenges Ahead, in Revista Română De Studii Eurasiatice, 1/2, 2020.
- B. Sultan, A. Mehmood, Pakistan and the BRICS Plus in the new era: a perspective of no-functionalism, in Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 14, 2020.
- A. F. Cooper, China, India and the pattern of G20/BRICS engagement: differentiated ambivalence between ‘rising’ power status and solidarity with the Global South, in Third World Quarterly, 3 dicembre 2020.
- C. Van Noort, The construction of power in the strategic narratives of the BRICS, in Global Society, 33(4), 2019.
- C. Roberts, The BRICS in the Era of Renewed Great Power Competition, in Strategic analysis 43.6, 2019.
- G. Formici, The role of the BRICS group in the international arena: a legal network under construction, in Third World Thematics, 4, 2019.
- M. Lagutina, BRICS in a world of regions, in Third World Thematics, 4, 2019.
- J. Kakonen, Global change: BRICS and the pluralist world order, in Third World Thematics, 4, 2019.
- G. Barbieri, Regionalism, globalism and complexity: a stimulus towards globar IR?, in Third World Thematics, 4, 2019.
- P. Pandit, Delivering public goods and the changing financial architecture: can BRICS meet expectations?, in Third World Thematics, 4, 2019.
- M. Juutinen, Emerging powers and new global politics? An Indian perspective on the BRICS paradox, in Third World Thematics, 4, 2019.
- M. Brosig, Ten years of BRICS: global order, security and peacekeeping, in Third World Thematics, 2, 2019.
- F. Dijkhuizen, M. Onderco, Sponsorship behaviour of the BRICS in the United Nations General Assembly, in Third World Quarterly,11, 2019.
- P. Rore, P. Beaumont, Grading greatness: evaluating the status performance of the BRICS, in Third World Quarterly, 3, 2019.
- M. Beeson et al., The BRICS and global governance: China’s contradictory role, in Third World Thematics, 10, 2018.
- L. Ramos, A. Garcia, D. Pautasso, F. Rodrigues, A decade of emergence: the BRICS’ institutional densification process, in Journal of China and International Relations. Special Issue: China and Brazil at BRICS: ‘Same bed, different dreams?’, 1, 2018.
- Z. Onis, A. Sukru Gencer, Democratic BRICS as role models in a shifting global order: inherent dilemmas and the challenges ahead, in Third World Quarterly, 9, 2018.
- M. Zakharova, Experiences of legal integration and reception by the BRICS countries: five passengers in a boat (without a dog), in BRICS Law Journal, 5, 2018.
- J. Käkönen, Has the world already forgotten BRICS?, in Pluralist World Order, marzo 2018.
- M. Juutinen, The BRICS dilemma, Observer Research Foundation, 2017.
- D. Nayyar, BRICS, developing countries and global governance, in Third World Thematics, 4, 2016.
- Special Volume: Beyond BRICS: new and rising global powers, in R/evolutions Journal, 1, 2015.
- W. Robinson, The transnational state and the BRICS: a global capitalism perspective, in Third World Quarterly, 1, 2015.
- M. Carducci, A.S. Bruno, The BRICS Countries and democratic contagion, in International Organizations Research Journal, 2, 2015.
- E. Contipelli, S. Piccian, The institutional status of the BRICS and pragmatic cooperation: the case of South America, in International Organizations Research Journal, 2, 2015.
- K. Meena, Regions, regionalization and BRICS, in R/evolutions Journal, 1, 2015.
- T. M. Shaw, From post-BRICS’ decade to post-2015: insights from global governance and comparative regionalisms, in Palgrave Communications, 1, 2015.
- M. D. Stephen, Rising powers, global capitalism and liberal global governance: A historical materialist account of the BRICs challenge, in European Journal of International Relations, , Vol. 20(4), 2014.
- A. F. Cooper, The G20 and contested global governance: BRICS, middle powers and small States, in Caribbean Journal of International Relations & Diplomacy, 3, 2014.
- P. Ferdinand, Rising powers at the UN: an analysis of the voting behaviour of BRICS in the General Assembly, in Third World Quarterly, 3, 2014.
- L. Scaffardi, BRICS: a mirage of reality, in H. Corder, V. Federico, O. Romano (eds.), The quest for Constitutionalism. South Africa since 1944, Ashgate, 2014.
- R. Thakur, How representative are BRICS?, in Third World Quarterly, 10, 2014.
- M. Carducci, A.S. Bruno, BRICS as constitutional inhomogenous dynamics, in Federalismi.it, 20, 2014.
- L. Scaffardi, BRICS, a Multi-Centre ‘Legal Network’?, in Beijing Law Review, 5, 2014.
- Special Issue: BRICS why not?, in Federalismi.it, 2014.
- M. Carducci, S. Bruno The Brics Countries between justice and economy. Methodological challenges on Constitutional comparison, in Sociology and Anthropology, 2, 2014.
- K. Kralikova, BRICS: can a marriage of convenience last?, in European View, 2, 2014.
- S. Saran, A. K. Singh, V. Sharan, BRICS. A long-term vision for BRICS, Observer Research Foundation, 2013.
- A. Cooper, A. B. Farooq, BRICs and the privileging of informality in global governance, in Global Policy, 4, 2013.
- M. Carducci, Il BRICS come ‘legal network’ e le sue implicazioni costituzionali, in AA. VV., Costituzioni, economia, globalizzazione. Liber Amicorum in onore di Carlo Amirante, ESI, 2013.
- A. V. Pant, The BRICS fallacy, in The Washington Quarterly, 3, 2013.
- F. Mielniczuk, BRICS in the contemporary world: changing identities, converging interests, in Third World Quarterly, 6, 2013.
- M. Sanwal, BRICS now matter in the changing global world order, in Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis Papers, 2012.
- BRICS Research Group, BRICS: New Delhi Summit 2012: Stability, security and prosperity, Newsdesk Communications, 2012.
- M. Emerson, Do the BRICS make a bloc?, in CEPC Commentary, aprile 2012.
- Building on the BRICs, in AIB Insights, 3, 2012.
- B. Cormier, Why the values of the BRICS matter, MRes International Politics University of Glasgow, settembre 2012.
- A. de Oliveira Saraiva, A. Benetti Carvalho de Oliveira, L. Andrzejewski Culpi, The “BRIC” countries: complementary or competing strategies?, in academia.edu, 2012.
- F. A. Kornegay, BRICS in search of identity, in Institute for global dialogue, 20 marzo 2012.
- O. Slobodníková, R. Nagyová, Global influence of the BRIC Countries, in P.Mácha, T. Drobík (eds), The Scale of Globalization. Think Globally, Act Locally, Change Individually in the 21st Century, 2011.
- P. Borba Casella, BRIC: a l’heure d’un nuovel ordre juridique, Editions A. Pedone, 2011.
- Z. Laïdi, The BRICS against the West?, in CERI Strategy Papers, n. 11 – Hors Série, novembre 2011.
- D. K. Das, Another perspective on globalization, in Journal of International Trade Law & Policy, 8, 2010.
- Goldman Sachs Global Economics Group, BRICS and beyond, 2007.
- L. E. Armijo, The BRICs Countries as analytical category: mirage or insight?, in Asian Perspective, 4, 2007.
- A. Svetlicinii, Sustainable Development and the New Development (BRICS) Bank: the Contribution of the BRICS Countries, in J. de Oliveira, Y. Jing (eds), International Development Assistance and the BRICS, Palgrave, 2020.
- L. Trajber Waisbich, C. Borges, The BRICS' New Development Bank at the crossroads: challenges for building development cooperation in the Twenty-First Century, in J. A. Puppim de Oliveira, Y. Jing (eds), International development assistance and the BRICS, Palgrave, 2020.
- P. Bond, BRICS banking and the demise of alternatives to the IMF and World Bank, in J.A. Puppim de Oliveira, Y. Jing (eds), International development assistance and the BRICS, Palgrave, 2020.
- L. Ramos, A. Garcia, D. Pautasso, F. Rodrigues, A decade of emergence: the BRICS' Institutional densification process, in JCIR Special Issue, 2018.
- M. Leal, W. Yixiu, A. R. Ghatak, New perspectives on the new BRICS Bank. Views from Brazil, India and China on the New Development Bank, in Chinadialogue, 2017.
- M. Juutinen, J. Kakonen, Battle for globalisations? BRICS and US mega-regional trade agreements in a changing world order, Observer Research Foundation, 2016.
- A. Erthal Abdenur, The new multilateral Development Banks and the future of development: what role for the UN?, UNU Centre for Policy Research Paper, novembre 2015.
- E. Di Stefano, D. Marconi, Assessing potential growth in emerging countries after the global financial crisis, in Questioni di Economia e Finanza, Banca d’Italia, gennaio 2015.
- A. Erthal Abdneur, M. Folly, The New Development Bank and the institutionalization of the BRICS, in R/evolutions Journal, Vol. 3, I, 2015.
- H. Reisen, Die Entwicklungsbanken der Schwellenländer und die multilaterale Finanzarchitektur, in Wirtschaftsdienst, 2015.
- J. Skrzypczynska, BRICS’ stance in WTO, in R/evolutions Journal, Vol. 3, I, 2015.
- Interview with S. Starrs by R. Wisniewski, BRICS – New shareholders in the global capitalist system, in R/evolutions Journal, Vol. 3, I, 2015.
- P. Neves, BRICS vão levar economia mundial a crescer perto dos 4%. Interview to Jim O’Neill, in Plataformamacau, 10 novembre 2014.
- L. Xiaoyun, R. Carey, The BRICS and the international development system: challenge and convergence?, in Institute of Development Studies-Evidence Report no. 58, 2014.
- A. Abdenur, China and the BRICS Development Bank: legitimacy and multilateralism in South-South cooperation, in IDS Bulletin, 4, 2014.
- S. Azzarello, B. Putnam, BRIC Country Update: Slowing growth in the face of internal and external challenges, in Marketinside, 25 luglio 2012.
- G. Agrawal, V.Ranjan, FDI inflow determinants in BRIC Countries: a panel data analysis, in International Business Research, 4, 2011.
- P. R. de Almeida, The Brics’ role in the global economy, in Trade and International Negotiations for Journalists, 2009.
- A. B. Martins, The European Union and the BRICS: challenges and power relations between antagonism and interdependence, in International Journal of Arts&Sciences, 4, 2017.
- J. Humprey, European development cooperation in a changing world: rising powers and global challenges after the financial crisis, Institute of Development Studies - Brighton, novembre 2010.
- R. Leal-Arcas, How will the EU approach the BRIC Countries? Future trade challenges, in International Constitutional Law Journal, 4, 2008.
- K. Kirton, BRICS climate governance in 2020, Paper prepared for presentation at the “BRICS at ten: challenges, achievements and prospects”, Gaidar Forum, gennaio 2020.
- F. Petrone, BRICS, soft power and climate change: new challenges in global governance?, in Third World Thematics, 2, 2019.
- R. Ihron, M. Shireen, D.S. Arulraj, Opportunities and challenges for research collaboration among the BRICS nations, in Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, Vol. 45, 5, 2015.
- C. Guillermet Fernández, D. Fernández Puyana, The BRICS commitment in the promotion of equality between women and men: analysis from the Human Rights and peace perspective, in BRICS Law Journal, 1, 2014.
- M. Larionova, M. Rakhmangulov, A. Sakharov, A. Shelepov, BRICS: emergence of health agenda, in International Organizations Research Journal, 4, 2014.
- S. Acharya, SL Barber, D. Lopez-Acuna, N. Menabde, L. Migliorini, J. Molina, B. Schwartlander, P. Zurn, BRICS and global health, in Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92, 2014.
- N. F. Watt, E. J. Gomez, M. McKee, Global health in foreign policy—and foreign policy in health? Evidence from the BRICS, in Health Policy and Planning, Vol. 29, 6, 2014.
- K.D. Rao, V. Petrosyan, E. Correia Araujo, D. McIntyre, Progress towards universal health coverage in BRICS: translating economic growth into better health, in Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2014.
- F. Horwitz, Employment relations in the BRICS Countries, in A. Wilkinson, G. Wood, R. Deeg (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Employment Systems, Oxford University Press, 2014.
- International Social Security Association, Social security coverage extension in the BRICS. A comparative study on the extension of coverage in Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa, Ginevra, 2013.
- A. Harmer, D. Foloyinka, C. Lesong, The BRICS: what is their contribution to global health?, in A Global Village, 9, 2013.
- Global Health Strategies initiatives (GHSi), Shifting paradigm. How the BRICS are reshaping global health and development, 2012.
- M. Carnoy, P. Loyalka, G. Androuschak, Does expanding higher education equalize income distribution? The case of the BRIC countries, in Center for Education Policy Analysis Papers (CEPA), Stanford University, 2012.
- D. Pieters, P. Schoukens, Social security in the BRIC Countries, European Institute of Social Security, 2012.
- M. Stonawski, V. Skirbekk, M. Potancokova, C. Hackett, B. J. Grim, Religious demography of emerging economies. Age structures and fertility in the BRIC countries and the global religious consequences of their economic growth, in European Population Conference 2012, Stockholm University.
- M. Gryczka, Changing role of BRIC Countries in technology driven international division of labor, in BEH – Business and Economic Horizons, 2 luglio 2010.
- X. Yao, C. Watanabe, Y. Li, Institutional structure of sustainable development in BRICs: Focusing on ICT utilization, in Technology in Society, Vol. 31, 2009.
- V. Gupta, D. M. Orozco, L. Yueh, Technological drivers of BRIC economies: public versus private sector control, Northwestern Journal of Techology & Intellectual Property, 5, 2007.